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Jonathan Kong

4650 Columbia River Ct.

San Jose, CA 95136

(408) 623-8056


To develop communication with co-workers and encourage a stable positive atmosphere in order to bring forth a desired product.


Junior Animator



-Learned a process called rotoscoping animation in which the goal is to match an animated rig to the background footage

-Did animation fixes for a few shots at a time, so organizing and sorting were helpful skills

-Listening is an essential skill, since feedback from the leads or supervisors must be applied to a work

-Learned to communicate with other coworkers to apply technical skills for an animation shot or troubleshooting

Animation Intern


01/2019 - 09/2019

-Created animated shots for the company

-Was assigned to animate 12 certain shots at a time (such as a character rabbit jumping or racing) for the interactive product that was designed for individuals with disabilities

-Learned a process called “puppet animation” by looking up tutorials on my own, utilizing Adobe Animate in the meantime

-Communicated with others that were in a different field from mine, in this case cooperating with computer engineers

Respite worker

Maxim Healthcare Services

02/2015-01/2018, 05/2021-present

-Supervised a specific individual with a special need of care

-Communication was a very important factor in this job, since it required plenty of understanding for an individual that may communicate differently

-Instructed client to perform specific chores

-Learned to apply positive and negative reinforcement when interacting with client


San Jose State University

08/2014 - 05/2020

-Animation/Illustration Major


Relevant coursework:

-Intro to 3D Animation Course

-Intermediate 3D Animation Course

-Advanced 3D Animation Course

-Intro to 2D Animation Course

-2D Animation Course

-Intro to 3D Modeling

The King’s Academy


-Graduated on Honor Roll



-Supervised a variety of people with special needs

Mexico A-Team

-High school volunteer group

-Set up a whole campground at Mexico trip campsite

La Vida Ninos

-Supervised and tutored children of financially disadvantaged families in the area


-Autodesk Maya

-Adobe Animate

-Adobe Photoshop

-Adobe Premiere

-Google Drive


-Basic knowledge of Python and C++

Resume: Text
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